Here is our first post.
To get started with blogging we are using blogspot. Here is a great resource to get you started:
a lot of times some have a hyperlink instead of the webaddress, which looks like this: art
click and you will go to another webpage.
once you get added to the blog as a constributer by clicking the link e-mailed to you, then you can get started. There are many ways to blog from your dashboard (pictured below). Click new post and you can add your topic. You can also comment on others post and have an ongoing dialog.
Other ways to blog from your phone you can add an app. from google. I use Microsoft Live Writer on my netbook, my daughter uses her ipod touch to post to her blog:
Windows Live writer download some computers alreasy have it installed.!D85741BB5E0BE8AA!174.entry
Test it out and have fun!