Thursday, October 28, 2010

Great “The Scream” video

Great artist for Halloween Art

The video is from art  DocuWatch has some really good videos. Also you can share this site with other teachers they have history, science etc.

They have Sister Wendy for you high school teachers!

I cannot embed this but here is the link:
Private Life Of A Masterpiece - Munch's The Scream

I watched part of the with my 8th grade you can see my examples on the other Art Blog

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Impossible Cube of MC Escher

How to draw MC Escher's Impossible Cube


Great video for MC Escher fans. I did this with 6th grade, after we finished the lesson on tessellations. They love this, for the next two weeks they are drawing these all the time and tormenting younger siblings by drawing quickly and confusing them. I have the younger siblings being tormented asking me how do you draw that, I just tell them when they get into 6th grade they will learn how to.

We look at this drawing

I don’t tell them much in the beginning but that this is known as the impossible cube. At first they think it’s a regular cube until someone notices the irregularity.

I show the video

1. Run it through the first time having the class watch it.

2. Run it through the second time and stop at each step:

Students have a direction sheet from wiki how

They usually get it and then create several, color, cut out and mount onto construction paper.


After learning to drawing the cube I show them this website of a woodworker whose objective s to create 3-D  sculptures of Escher’s art. One side looks like the drawing, then he shows how it needs warped on the other side of the shape to create it.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Good Video

Good video for continuous contour line portraits .

website: video is from youtube on his site if your school blocks youtube. I put it on from the dailymotion website, but it does have an add that runs before.

Thursday, October 7, 2010



Here is an example of an animoto slide show my 5th grade put together. If you belong to artsonia you can get a education membership through artsonia or it is $30 a year, it is free for 30 which is about 15 pictures.

I used this as a review session. Fifth grade had a short class period due to Trinity Band playing at our school. So instead of getting a bunch of art materials out we did a review session using the artwork they created the week before.

I had students write phrases, sentences or words about the warm color desert scenes we did the previous week and placed them in a basket. Then I pulled a paper out of the basket an read the quote. We used some, discussed others and placed them throughout the show (similar to a Power Point). Added video, pictures and songs that was provided from the animoto site.  You can download your own if you used a specific art print. It took about 15 Min. and 5 minutes to process, then we watched it.

They loved the ending result and can’t wait for the next one.

I have a projector, though a public school art teacher I know just turns the computer screen around on her desk or if you had a TV you can hook it to your computer.