Mondrian: Shape, Color and line
1. What is abstract art?
2. What do you think this painting by Mondrian: Boogie Woogie is about? Tell me something about it?
Watch the animated video of one of Mondrian’s art works: Boogie Woogie. After watching the video: What do you think this painting is about or looks like?
Did the animation help you? The full title is Broadway Boogie Woogie I left off Broadway to see if you could guess, most references to this art piece drop the "Broadway" from the title.
Project: Mondrian painting
Look at the Google Earth picture of our school . If you do not have a projector Print a copy.
1. Draw all the lines that you want in Pencil you may straighten more than the real image of leave them curved depends on what feeling of motion you want.
2. Paint in sections in 3 colors Mondrian used primary colors: Red, yellow, blue, black, and white Choose 3 colors
**remember Black will be your pencil lines
3. When dry use large black marker to go over pencil lines.
Review of the Elements of Art: